Our company has long-standing experience and know-how

On request we design, manufacture, supply and install complete plants

As a reliable partner we are of course available for you on-site with a wide service offer.

Headquarter Drochtersen
D-21706 Drochtersen
Werkstraße 14
Tel.: +494143 - 9992 - 0
Fax: +494143 - 7544
Email: irbkis@irbkis.de
Quarter Stade
D-21683 Stade
Hörner-Deichfeld-West 11
Tel.: +494141-7778-0
Fax: +494141-45314
Email: stade@irbkis.de
Quarter Witten
D-58454 Witten
Salinger Feld 10A
Tel.: +492302-9829969
Fax: +492302-9829967
Email: irb-west@irbkis.de
Branch Schkopau
D-06258 Schkopau
ValuePark DOW/Bau A 50
Tel.: +493461-493566
Fax: +493461-493567
Email: irbkis@t-online.de
Strength calculations of pressure vessels, heat exchanger, air cooler, columns, flat bottom tanks, agitator vessels…

As part of our production and manufacturing to our customers is always latest know-how and years of experience. Among the products that we produce in our own workshops, include columns, vessels, heat exchangers and piping systems.

We are available quickly and unconventionally on site for operators of high-quality equipment, vessels, instruments and other. Through seminars, training and internal we always keep us on the cutting edge of technology…

A well-organized production is the result of properly installed internals. IRB is an experienced partner with best references from various projects…

Refineries on the move, attentively we are following the technical state of the modern production facilities and we permanently implement appropriate adjustments within our company.

Our Repair-Service is able to solve almost all problems due to our proven education and equipment.